IFSA Members


  • AkzoNobel
    Contact: Robin Wade
    Tel:  01914 012297
    Tel: 01914 636111
    Email: robin.wade@akzonobel.com
    Website: www.international-pc.com

    Stoneygate Lane, Felling, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear, NE10 9NL

  • Firestop Manufacturing Ltd
    Contact: David Sutcliffe

    Tel: 01305 257428

    Email: sales@firestopltd.co.uk
    Website: www.firestopltd.co.uk

    Firestop Manufacturing Ltd, Grove Trading Estate, Dorchester Dorset DT1 1ST

  • Lorient Polyproducts Ltd
    Contact: Doug Law

    Tel: 01626 834252
    Email: dlaw@lorientuk.com
    Website: www.lorientuk.com

    Endeavour House, Heathfield Ind Estate, Fairfax Road, Newton Abbot, TQ12 6UD.

  • Mann McGowan Fabrications
    Contact: Russell Smith

    Tel: 01252 333601
    Email: russell@mannmcgowan.co.uk
    Website: www.mannmcgowan.co.uk

    4 Brook Trading Estate, Deadbrook Lane, Aldershot, GU12 4XB

  • Millmerran Research & Manufacturing
    Contact: Robert Mann

    Tel: 01626 836373
    Email: info@millmerran.co.uk
    Website: www.millmerran.co.uk

    Millmerran Research and Manufacturing, Units 18/19 Wentworth Road, Heathfield Ind Estate, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 6TL

  • Pyroplex Ltd
    Contact: Andy Walsh.

    Tel: 01905 795432
    Email: andy.walsh@pyroplex.com

    Contact: Scott Ivins

    Tel: 01905 795432
    Email: scott.ivins@pyroplex.com

    Website: www.pyroplex.com

    Pyroplex Ltd, The Furlong, Droitwich, Worcestershire WR9 9BG

  • Sealed Tight Solutions
    Primary Contact: Dan Jones

    Alternative Contact: Jim Kelly

    Tel: 01661 830 101
    Email: info@sealedtightsolutions.com
    Website: www.sealedtightsolutions.com

    Sealed Tight Solutions Ltd – Unit 1B & 1C, Princess Court, Low Prudhoe Industrial Estate,
    Prudhoe, Northumberland, NE42 6PL

  • Sealmaster - Dixon International Group Ltd
    Contact: Phil Grimwood

    Tel: 01223 832851
    Fax: 01223 837215
    Email: info@dig.co.uk
    Website: www.dig.co.uk

    Dixon International Group Ltd, Brewery Road, Pampisford, Cambridge, CB2 4HG

  • Vanquish Hardware Protection Ltd
    Contact: Henry Rowden

    Tel: 01725 578020

    Email: info@vanquish-hp.co.uk
    Website: www.vanquish-hp.co.uk

    Vanquish Hardware Protection Ltd, Fusion House, Parkers Close,
    Downton Business Centre, Downton, Salisbury SP5 3FL

Material Suppliers

Technical Consultants

  • Kiwa Fire Safety Compliance
    Tel: 01844 275500

    Email:  uk.firesafety@kiwa.com
    Website: www.kiwa.com

    Address: Kiwa Fire Safety Compliance, Ground Floor, Suite A, Building 2, Bear Brook Office Park, Walton Street, Aylesbury, HP21 7GQ

Associate Members